create a captcha task
Method: POST
Content-type: application-json
Request properties
Property | Type | Required | Purpose |
YOUR_API_KEY | String | Yes | |
task | Object | Yes |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
request a task result
Method: POST
Content-type: application-json
Request properties
Property | Type | Required | Purpose |
YOUR_API_KEY | String | Yes | |
task_id | Integer | Yes |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Response example
retrieve account balance
Method: GET
Content-type: application-json
Request properties
Property | Type | Required | Purpose |
YOUR_API_KEY | String | Yes |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Error Types
list of API ErrorsCode | Description |
ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Account authorization key not found in the system or has incorrect format (length is not ) |
ERROR_ZERO_CAPTCHA_FILESIZE | The size of the captcha you are uploading is less than 100 bytes |
ERROR_TOO_BIG_CAPTCHA_FILESIZE | The size of the captcha you are uploading is more than 50,000 bytes |
ERROR_ZERO_BALANCE | Account has zero balance |
ERROR_IP_NOT_ALLOWED | Request with current account key is not allowed from your IP |
ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE | This type of captchas is not supported by the service or the image does not contain an answer, perhaps it is too noisy. It could also mean that the image is corrupted or was incorrectly rendered |
ERROR_NO_SUCH_CAPCHA_ID, WRONG_CAPTCHA_ID | The captcha that you are requesting was not found. Make sure you are requesting a status update only within 5 minutes of uploading |
CAPTCHA_NOT_READY | The captcha has not yet been solved |
ERROR_IP_BANNED | You have exceeded the limit of requests with the wrong api key, check the correctness of your api key in the control panel and after some time, try again |
ERROR_NO_SUCH_METHOD | This method is not supported or empty |
ERROR_TOO_MUCH_REQUESTS | You have exceeded the limit of requests to receive an answer for one task. Try to request the result of the task no more than 1 time in 2 seconds |
solving Google recaptchaThe object contains data for Google ReCaptcha2 solving task. To provide solid universality for solving this type of task we have reproduce every piece of environment used for an automation task you plan to complete. This includes:
- proxy access
- browser's user-agent
- (optionally) cookies
Before performing this type of task our proxy checker might check your proxy parameters for validity by making a test request. If this test request fails, your task will be marked with ERROR_PROXY_TIMEOUT or similar error and will be canceled. During solution process your proxy also might fail and our API will produce other proxy errors.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | RecaptchaV2Task |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | Recaptcha website key. |
data_s | String | No |
Some custom implementations may contain additional "data-s" parameter in ReCaptcha2 div, which is in fact a one-time token and must be grabbed every time you want to solve a ReCaptcha2.
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="some sitekey" data-s="THIS_ONE"></div> |
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
cookies | String | No |
Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page or Google. Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2 |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"cookie":"cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2"
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha2. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.
Property | Type | Purpose |
gRecaptchaResponse | String | Token string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website. |
Response example
bypass Google Recaptcha automatically without proxiesThe object contains data for Google ReCaptcha2 solving task. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | Recaptcha website key. |
data_s | String | No |
Some custom implementations may contain additional "data-s" parameter in ReCaptcha2 div, which is in fact a one-time token and must be grabbed every time you want to solve a ReCaptcha2.
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="some sitekey" data-s="THIS_ONE"></div> |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
cookies | String | No |
Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page or Google. Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2 |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha2. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.
Property | Type | Purpose |
gRecaptchaResponse | String | Token string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website. |
Response example
Solving Google Recaptcha V3 automatically without proxies
The object contains data for Google ReCaptcha V3 solving task. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers. Please note that there's a difference between Recaptcha V2-invisible and Recaptcha V3. They look the same, and it might be confusing.
When creating a task, unlike ReCaptcha2, you must additionally pass two parameters - page_action and min_score.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | RecaptchaV3TaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | Recaptcha website key."THAT_ONE" |
min_score | Double | Yes | Value from 0.1 to 0.9. |
page_action | String | No |
Recaptcha's "action" value. Website owners use this parameter to define what users are doing on the page. Example: grecaptcha.execute('site_key', {action:'login_test'}). |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"min_score": 0.3,
"page_action": "myverify"
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha3. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.
Property | Type | Purpose |
gRecaptchaResponse | String | Token string which is required for interacting with submit form on target website. |
Response example
solving Google recaptchaThe object contains data for Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise solving task. To provide solid universality for solving this type of task we have reproduce every piece of environment used for an automation task you plan to complete. This includes:
- proxy access
- browser's user-agent
- (optionally) cookies
This approach will eliminate all possible obstacles which Google might implement in the future.
This type of captcha might be solved a bit longer than usual image captcha, but this issue is compensated by the fact that g-captcha-response value we send to you is valid for the next 60 seconds after we solves your ReCaptcha2.
Before performing this type of task our proxy checker might check your proxy parameters for validity by making a test request. If this test request fails, your task will be marked with ERROR_PROXY_TIMEOUT or similar error and will be canceled. During solution process your proxy also might fail and our API will produce other proxy errors.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTask |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes |
Recaptcha website key. <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="THAT_ONE"></div> or <iframe title="reCAPTCHA" src="...;k=6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH&...> where site_key is 6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH |
enterprisePayload | String | No |
Some implementations of the reCAPTCHA Enterprise widget may contain additional parameters that are passed to the “grecaptcha.enterprise.render” method along with the sitekey. For example:
grecaptcha.enterprise.render("some-div-id", {
sitekey: "6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH",
theme: "dark",
s: "2JvUXHNTnZl1Jb6WEvbDyBMzrMTR7oQ78QRhBcG07rk9bpaAaE0LRq1ZeP5NYa0N...ugQA"
apiDomain | String | No |
Domain address from which to load reCAPTCHA Enterprise. For example:
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
cookies | String | No |
Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page or Google. Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2 |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"enterprisePayload": {
"cookie":"cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2"
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha2. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.
Property | Type | Purpose |
gRecaptchaResponse | String |
Hash which should be inserted into Recaptcha2 submit form in <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" ..></textarea> . It has a length of 500 to 2190 bytes. |
Response example
solving Google recaptchaThe object contains data for Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise solving task. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes |
Recaptcha website key. <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="THAT_ONE"></div> or <iframe title="reCAPTCHA" src="...;k=6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH&...> where site_key is 6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH |
enterprisePayload | String | No |
Some implementations of the reCAPTCHA Enterprise widget may contain additional parameters that are passed to the “grecaptcha.enterprise.render” method along with the sitekey. For example:
grecaptcha.enterprise.render("some-div-id", {
sitekey: "6LdIFr0ZAAAAAO3vz0O0OQrtAefzdJcWQM2TMYQH",
theme: "dark",
s: "2JvUXHNTnZl1Jb6WEvbDyBMzrMTR7oQ78QRhBcG07rk9bpaAaE0LRq1ZeP5NYa0N...ugQA"
apiDomain | String | No |
Domain address from which to load reCAPTCHA Enterprise. For example:
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"enterprisePayload": {
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for ReCaptcha2. You will get response within 10 - 80 secs period depending on service workload.
Property | Type | Purpose |
gRecaptchaResponse | String |
Hash which should be inserted into Recaptcha2 submit form in <textarea id="g-recaptcha-response" ..></textarea> . It has a length of 500 to 2190 bytes. |
Response example
Solve captcha from with proxyThis type of task is for solving GeeTest captcha using your proxies.Your application should send the site address, public domain key (gt), key (challenge) and proxy. The result of solving the problem is three tokens for submitting the form.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | GeeTestTask |
page_url | String | Yes | |
gt | String | Yes | The GeeTest identifier key for the domain. Static value, rarely updated. |
challenge | String | Yes |
A dynamic key. Each time our API is called, we need to get a new key value. If the captcha is loaded on the page, then the challenge value is no longer valid. It is necessary to examine the requests and find the one in which this value is returned and, before each creation of the recognition task, execute this request and parse the challenge from it. |
geetestApiServerSubdomain | String | No | Optional parameter. May be required for some sites. |
geetestGetLib | String | No |
Optional parameter. May be required for some sites. Send JSON as a string. |
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for GeeTest recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
challenge | String | Hash string required for interacting with the submit form on the target website. |
validate | String | Hash string which is also required. |
seccode | String | Another required hash string; we have no idea why there are 3 of them. |
Response example
GeeTest captcha recognition without proxyThis type of task is for solving GeeTest. This task will be performed by our service using our own proxy servers. Your application should send the site address, public domain key (gt), key (challenge).
The result of solving the task is three tokens for submitting the form.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | GeeTestTaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
gt | String | Yes | The GeeTest identifier key for the domain. Static value, rarely updated. |
challenge | String | Yes |
A dynamic key. Each time our API is called, we need to get a new key value. If the captcha is loaded on the page, then the challenge value is no longer valid. It is necessary to examine the requests and find the one in which this value is returned and, before each creation of the recognition task, execute this request and parse the challenge from it. |
geetestApiServerSubdomain | String | No | Optional parameter. May be required for some sites. |
geetestGetLib | String | No |
Optional parameter. May be required for some sites. Send JSON as a string. |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for GeeTest recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
challenge | String | Hash string required for interacting with the submit form on the target website. |
validate | String | Hash string which is also required. |
seccode | String | Another required hash string; we have no idea why there are 3 of them. |
Response example
Solve captcha from FunCaptcha with proxyThis type solving task FunCaptcha. Your app submits website address, public key and proxy. The result of solving task is a token for the submit form.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | FunCaptchaTask |
page_url | String | Yes | |
sub_domain | String | No | A special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded. Most FunCaptcha installations work from shared domains, so this option is only needed in certain rare cases. |
site_key | String | Yes |
FunCaptcha website key. <div id="funcaptcha" data-pkey="THAT_ONE"></div> |
data_s | String | No |
Additional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha implementation. Use this property to send "blob" value as a stringified array. See example how it may look like. {"\blob\":\"HERE_COMES_THE_blob_VALUE\"} |
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"data_s": "{\"blob\":\"dyXvXANMbHj1iDyz.Qj97JtSqR2n%2BuoY1V%2FbdgbrG7p%2FmKiqdU9AwJ6MifEt0np4vfYn6TTJDJEfZDlcz9Q1XMn9przeOV%2FCr2%2FIpi%2FC1s%3D\"}",
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for FunCaptcha recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
token | String | FunCaptcha token that needs to be substituted into the form. |
Response example
Solve captcha from FunCaptcha without proxyThis type solving task FunCaptcha. This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers. The result of solving task is a token for the submit form.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | FunCaptchaTaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
sub_domain | String | No | A special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded. Most FunCaptcha installations work from shared domains, so this option is only needed in certain rare cases. |
site_key | String | Yes |
FunCaptcha website key. <div id="funcaptcha" data-pkey="THAT_ONE"></div> |
data_s | String | No |
Additional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha implementation. Use this property to send "blob" value as a stringified array. See example how it may look like. {"\blob\":\"HERE_COMES_THE_blob_VALUE\"} |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
"data_s": "{\"blob\":\"dyXvXANMbHj1iDyz.Qj97JtSqR2n%2BuoY1V%2FbdgbrG7p%2FmKiqdU9AwJ6MifEt0np4vfYn6TTJDJEfZDlcz9Q1XMn9przeOV%2FCr2%2FIpi%2FC1s%3D\"}",
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for FunCaptcha recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
token | String | FunCaptcha token that needs to be substituted into the form. |
Response example
hCaptcha puzzle solvingThis type of task is for solving hCaptcha using your proxies.Your application should send the site address, hCaptcha website key and proxy.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | HCaptchaTask |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | hCaptcha website key. |
isInvisible | Bool | No | Use true for invisible version of hcaptcha |
data_s | String | No |
Custom data that is used in some implementations of hCaptcha, mostly with isInvisible=true. In most cases you see it as rqdata inside network requests.
IMPORTANT: you MUST provide userAgent if you submit captcha with data parameter. The value should match the User-Agent you use when interacting with the target website. |
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
cookies | String | No |
Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page. Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2 |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for hCaptcha recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
hCaptchaResponse | String | Hash which should be inserted into hCaptcha submit form on target website. |
user_agent | String | During submitting, you should use the same User Agent with which hCaptcha was solved. |
respKey | String | The result of the "window.hcaptcha.getRespKey()" function when available. Some sites use this value for additional verification. |
Response example
hCaptcha puzzle solvingThis type of task is for solving hCaptcha using our own proxy servers.Your application should send the site address, hCaptcha website key.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | HCaptchaTaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | hCaptcha website key. |
isInvisible | Bool | No | Use true for invisible version of hcaptcha |
data_s | String | No |
Custom data that is used in some implementations of hCaptcha, mostly with isInvisible=true. In most cases you see it as rqdata inside network requests.
IMPORTANT: you MUST provide userAgent if you submit captcha with data parameter. The value should match the User-Agent you use when interacting with the target website. |
cookies | String | No |
Additional cookies which we must use during interaction with target page. Format: cookiename1=cookievalue1; cookiename2=cookievalue2 |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for hCaptcha recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
hCaptchaResponse | String | Hash which should be inserted into hCaptcha submit form on target website. |
user_agent | String | During submitting, you should use the same User Agent with which hCaptcha was solved. |
respKey | String | The result of the "window.hcaptcha.getRespKey()" function when available. Some sites use this value for additional verification. |
Response example
Solve captcha from Cloudflare Turnstile with proxyAll Cloudflare Turnstile subtypes are automatically supported: manual, non-interactive and invisible. Therefore, there is no need to specify a subtype.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | TurnstileTask |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | Turnstile key |
proxy_type | String | Yes |
Type of the proxy
proxy_address | String | Yes |
Proxy IP address IPv4/IPv6. Not allowed to use:
proxy_port | Integer | Yes | Proxy port |
proxy_login | String | No | Login for proxy which requires authorizaiton (basic) |
proxy_password | String | No | Proxy password |
user_agent | String | No | Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation. It is required that you use a signature of a modern browser, otherwise Google will ask you to "update your browser". |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for Turnstile recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
token | String | Turnstile token that needs to be substituted into the form. |
Response example
Solve captcha from Cloudflare Turnstile with proxy
All Cloudflare Turnstile subtypes are automatically supported: manual, non-interactive and invisible. Therefore, there is no need to specify a subtype.
This task will be executed by our service using our own proxy servers.
Object structure
Parameter | Type | Required | Value |
method | String | Yes | TurnstileTaskProxyless |
page_url | String | Yes | |
site_key | String | Yes | Turnstile key |
Request example
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-X POST -d
Response structure
Property | Type | Purpose |
error_id | Integer |
Error identifier.
0 - no errors, the operation completed successfully.
Otherwise - error identifier. Error code and short description transferred in error_code and error_description properties.
error_code | String | |
error_description | String | Short description of the error |
task_id | Integer |
Response example
Getting result
Use the method getTaskResult to request answer for Turnstile recognition. Depending on the system load, you will receive a response after a time in the range from 10 s to 30 s.
Property | Type | Purpose |
token | String | Turnstile token that needs to be substituted into the form. |